home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // stdgui.wkf
- //
- // Main workflow for UI components
- //
- //
- // Slider Control tiles and images
- //
- 10 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SliderThumb.png
- 11 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SliderSpinLeft.png
- 12 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SliderSpinRight.png
- 13 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SliderBackground.png
- //
- // Complex ScrollBar tiles and images
- //
- 14 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollUpLarge.png
- 15 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollDownLarge.png
- 16 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollLeftLarge.png
- 17 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollRightLarge.png
- 18 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollHorzBack.png
- 19 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollVertBack.png
- 20 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollThumbHorz.png
- 21 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollThumbVert.png
- //
- // Simple ScrollBar tiles and images
- //
- 22 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollUpSmall.png
- 23 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollDownSmall.png
- 24 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollLeftSmall.png
- 25 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ScrollRightSmall.png
- //
- // Dialog tiles and images
- //
- 26 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogFrame.png
- 27 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogCaptionFrame.png
- 28 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogDisabledCaptionFrame.png
- 29 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogCaptionButton.png
- 30 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogGroupBoxFrame.png
- 31 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogFrameHilite.png
- 32 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogButton.png
- //
- // PenSettings Control images
- //
- 33 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!PenSettingsScrollUp.png
- 34 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!PenSettingsScrollDown.png
- 35 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!PenSettingsSizeButton.png
- //
- // Color GUI Control images
- //
- 36 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ColourSplotch.png
- 37 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ForeBackColorIndicator.png
- //
- // Spin Control images
- //
- 38 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SpinButtonLeft.png
- 39 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SpinButtonRight.png
- //
- // Edit control background image
- //
- 40 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!EditBackground.png
- //
- // Dialog border images
- //
- 41 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogBorderInnerDark.png
- 42 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogBorderInnerLight.png
- 43 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogBorderOuterDark.png
- 44 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogBorderOuterLight.png
- //
- // Inplace dialog bitmaps
- //
- 45 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!Background.png
- //
- // RGB map image
- //
- 46 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!RGB_Map.png
- //
- // Buttons
- //
- // Normal buttons:
- 101 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogButton-Dark.png
- 102 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!DialogButton.png
- 103 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!CheckBox.png
- 104 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!RadioButton.png
- 105 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ModeSwitch.png
- 106 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ModeSwitchNarrow.png
- 107 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!RadioButtonBuddy.png
- // Shelves
- 110 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ShelfOpen.png
- 111 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ShelfClose.png
- // Activity Buttons
- 120 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ActivityButton.png
- 121 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!ActivityButton_Photos.png
- 122 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!ActivityButton_Projects.png
- 123 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!ActivityButton_Albums.png
- 124 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!ActivityButton_SlideShow.png
- 125 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!ActivityButton_Internet.png
- 126 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!ActivityButton_Guides.png
- // Shadow direction radiobuttons:
- 130 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowTopLeft.PNG
- 131 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowTop.PNG
- 132 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowTopRight.PNG
- 133 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowLeft.PNG
- 134 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowNone.PNG
- 135 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowRight.PNG
- 136 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowBottomLeft.PNG
- 137 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowBottom.PNG
- 138 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!ToolBars!Tool32CShadowBottomRight.PNG
- // Shuttle controls for SlideShow
- 140 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSRewind.png
- 141 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSPrevious.png
- 142 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSPlay.png
- 143 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSPause.png
- 144 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSStop.png
- 145 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSNext.png
- 146 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSFastFwd.png
- 147 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSRepeat.png
- 148 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SSFullScreen.png
- ////Radio buttons for the NewFileDlg
- 150 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!NewPhoto.PNG
- 151 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!NewLayout.PNG
- 152 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!NewAlbum.png
- 153 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!NewSlideShow.PNG
- 154 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!SmallThumbnail.PNG
- 155 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!MediumThumbnail.PNG
- 156 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!LargeThumbnail.PNG
- // Item properties frame
- 157 STRING file:/Resources/UIImageComponent.{:UIExt:}!MainUI!ImgDialogFrame.png
- // Main GUI Renderer
- // This step is HARD CODED in the main application so it can be inserted
- // in the object table. Do NOT change.
- 50 01EA44D5-BDBA-11D1-AFC7-00C0A84E637F
- // ALP: Removed typeface generator (no longer used)
- //
- // This catalog contains the GuiTemplate used to define the Graphical
- // User Interface (image files, sizes, etc) for each of the different
- // types of catalog editors. NOTE: The step is HARD CODED in the
- // Catalog Editor, so don't move this around! Even after Internationalizing,
- // make sure that this stays at 100.
- 99 STRING file:/Resources/CatalogsComponent!Common!CatalogGuiTemplates.pza
- 100 7D0DF7C0-D74F-11D0-AEE0-00C0A84E4071 // Catalog Loader
- //
- // Links
- //
- // Link the catalog name to the Catalog Loader
- LINK 99 0 100 0
- // Link filenames to GUI renderer
- LINK 10 0 50 0
- LINK 11 0 50 1
- LINK 12 0 50 2
- LINK 13 0 50 3
- LINK 14 0 50 4
- LINK 15 0 50 5
- LINK 16 0 50 6
- LINK 17 0 50 7
- LINK 18 0 50 8
- LINK 19 0 50 9
- LINK 20 0 50 10
- LINK 21 0 50 11
- LINK 22 0 50 12
- LINK 23 0 50 13
- LINK 24 0 50 14
- LINK 25 0 50 15
- LINK 26 0 50 16
- LINK 27 0 50 17
- LINK 28 0 50 18
- LINK 29 0 50 19
- LINK 30 0 50 20
- LINK 31 0 50 21
- LINK 32 0 50 22
- LINK 33 0 50 23
- LINK 34 0 50 24
- LINK 35 0 50 25
- LINK 36 0 50 26
- LINK 37 0 50 27
- LINK 38 0 50 28
- LINK 39 0 50 29
- LINK 40 0 50 30
- LINK 101 0 50 31
- LINK 102 0 50 32
- LINK 103 0 50 33
- LINK 104 0 50 34
- LINK 105 0 50 35
- LINK 106 0 50 36
- LINK 107 0 50 39
- LINK 110 0 50 37
- LINK 111 0 50 38
- LINK 120 0 50 41
- LINK 121 0 50 42
- LINK 122 0 50 43
- LINK 123 0 50 44
- LINK 124 0 50 45
- LINK 125 0 50 46
- LINK 126 0 50 47
- LINK 130 0 50 48
- LINK 131 0 50 49
- LINK 132 0 50 50
- LINK 133 0 50 51
- LINK 134 0 50 52
- LINK 135 0 50 53
- LINK 136 0 50 54
- LINK 137 0 50 55
- LINK 138 0 50 56
- LINK 41 0 50 57
- LINK 42 0 50 58
- LINK 43 0 50 59
- LINK 44 0 50 60
- LINK 140 0 50 61
- LINK 141 0 50 62
- LINK 142 0 50 63
- LINK 143 0 50 64
- LINK 144 0 50 65
- LINK 145 0 50 66
- LINK 146 0 50 67
- LINK 147 0 50 68
- LINK 148 0 50 69
- LINK 150 0 50 70
- LINK 151 0 50 71
- LINK 152 0 50 72
- LINK 153 0 50 73
- LINK 154 0 50 74
- LINK 155 0 50 75
- LINK 156 0 50 76
- LINK 45 0 50 77
- LINK 46 0 50 78
- LINK 157 0 50 79
- // EOF